I n s p i r a t i o n



Marshal Rosenberg –  Nonviolent Communication: a language of life

Robert Gonzales – Reflections on living compassion 

Mikki Kashtan – Reweaving our future: working together to create a nonviolent future

Liv Larsson – Mediation 

Thomas d’AnsembourgStop being nice 

Sarah Peyton – The resonant self


Grief / mourning:

Megan Devine –  It’s OK that you’re not OK

Francis Weller – The wild edge of sorrow

Julia Samuel –  Grief works – Rouwwerk

Tim Overdiek & Wim van Lent – Als de man verliest

Manu Keirse – Kinderen helpen bij verlies

Marja Baseler – Over leven en dood


A podcast about living with grief: ‘Grief Encounters’ by Venetia Quick and Sasha Hamrogue :  https://podtail.com/podcast/grief-encounters/


An article about a clarifying grief concept ‘the ball in the box’: http://www.good.is/posts/grief-over-time


A Netflix seriess about a man who is grieving the loss of his wife: “After Life”. Trailor: https://youtu.be/eIGGKSHMQOM


Novels on mourning / grief:

Isabel Allende – Paula 

Sigrid Nunez – The friend

Karin Kuiper – Je mag mij altijd bellen

Geerteke van Lierop – Een zee van glas

P.F. Thomese – Schaduwkind

A.F.Th. van der Heijden – Tonio

Connie Palmen – I.M.

Erwin Mortier – Gestameld liedboek



Hannah Cuppen – Love shy 


Mindfulness / compassion:

Pema Chodron – When things fall apart 

Tara Brach – Radical acceptance